2. Understanding your website’s metrics is a great way to gauge how much traffic you’re receiving. You can filter, segment, and compare these metrics to find out more about the quality of your traffic. These insights will be useful in understanding trends and conversions. Below are some of the metrics that Google Analytics can provide you.

1. Page views

Page views are important to understand if you’re trying to maximize your website’s potential. But you don’t have to focus on this metric exclusively. There are other metrics that you should focus on, too. One of them is the bounce rate. Bounce rate is a metric that shows how many times visitors visit a page before exiting the website. Google Analytics provides a bounce rate report, which will help you understand your website’s bounce rate.

Page views in Google Analytics are the number of times a web page is viewed during a specified time period. In most cases, a page view occurs when a user enters a page. However, page views may also occur when a user clicks a link, either to another website or part of the same website. If one user visits a page three times, it counts as three page views.

2. User flow

The User Flow report in Google Analytics allows you to view traffic flow and interaction levels of your website’s visitors. It displays details such as the total number of visits, the source of traffic, and the country of origin of your visitors. In addition to this, you can filter data by demographics, terminal properties, and channels to find a more specific breakdown of your audience.

If you run a website with many pages or a large number of subdirectories and blogs, the flow report can give you a better idea of how users are navigating your website. For example, it will show you how users navigate through subdirectories and subscribe to your blog posts.

3. Intelligence events

Intelligence events are notifications that you receive when a particular event occurs on your site. You can use these notifications to discover any problems with your tracking or to identify a spike in traffic. In addition, you can create custom alerts to be notified when specific events occur. This helps you keep an eye on traffic fluctuations and keep your site and data healthy.

You can customize alerts in Google Analytics to notify you of certain activities. You can create alerts for specific activities or date ranges. You can find them under the Intelligence Events menu in the Home tab. The alerts are organized by day, week, and month. You can also set up custom alerts for any date range.

4. Channels driving traffic to your website

Channels are the different ways that people find your website. They can be from a search engine, another website, or a visitor typing the address directly into their browser. Google Analytics classifies traffic sources into three categories: Organic Search, Direct Traffic, and Non-Browser Sources. This section of Google Analytics will show you the traffic sources for your website.

A good digital marketing strategy focuses on several channels. Focusing too much effort on just one traffic channel is like putting all of your eggs in one basket. That’s why it’s important to direct your efforts into each one. It’s also important to monitor the performance of each channel and make adjustments as necessary. For example, if organic search results are outperforming paid advertising, you may want to cut back on ads and focus more on social media.

5. Custom segments

If you want to use Google Analytics as a tool for observing traffic trends, you may want to create custom segments. Google Analytics provides a variety of standard segments, such as stock, country, or site, but sometimes you want to do something different. Custom segments are a great way to identify specific audiences.

Custom segments allow you to drill down into specific content and behaviors on your website. They can help you understand which parts of your site have the most impact on your goals, KPIs, and transactions.

6. Page speed

One of the most important aspects of a website is page speed, and this can be easily measured by Google Analytics. A fast-loading site is essential to increase SEO rankings and improve user experience. Google recommends a load time of three seconds or less. If you don’t, you run the risk of losing most of your traffic.

While diagnosing a slow site may be difficult, there are many things you can do to increase its speed. Large images, messy code, and page elements can all slow down a site. Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool can help you pinpoint any problem areas and make necessary changes.

7. Goal conversions

Among the many insights that Google Analytics can give you about your website is the number of goal conversions. These conversions are the results of an action that you want your audience to take, such as downloading a white paper or signing up for a demo. There are four main types of goal conversions.

The first type of goal conversion is click-through. In this category, a visitor clicks through to the next page on your site. Another type of conversion is the purchase transaction. Typically, most websites have a goal to convert visitors into customers. The more goals that are clicked and completed, the more successful your website will be.

Learn More About Analytics

Learning more about Google Analytics is a good practice and will help you understand your goals and bring clarity to your Strategy. At Let’s Run Local we can help you understand the most important SEO Metrics and implement on-site optimization and other SEO strategies. We’re experts in SEO and can help you achieve the results you’re looking for. Contact us today to learn more about our services. We serve clients in Atlanta, Miami, and Los Angeles.