We’ve worked for Fortune 500 Companies, now we work for you!


Let’s Run Local offers a refund up to 24 hours from the time the order was completed, unless other is specified for the service purchased.
This policy is due to the fact that we start working immediately after you pay for our services.
This lets us know that you have a need, and we are here to deliver.
When refunding, 10% will be deducted from the refund amount in order to cover external fees and administration costs.


We at Let’s Run Local pride ourselves on delivering results month after month with no need for a long-term contract.
You can cancel your plan at any time by sending an email or calling your dedicated account manager.
A cancellation should always be sent and received 2 weeks prior to the recurrent billing date.
Each company/business owner needs to ensure that any campaigns managed on our end are either paused or deleted.
This will avoid any confusion or accrue any future cost from active campaigns.

We welcome any questions or comments you have about Let’s Run Local
In order to demonstrate the value you represent our agency, we have prepared this statement disclosing the privacy practices for your entire service agreement. Additional terms and conditions can apply based on your feedback or needs in order to build a relationship with our service,
these such agreements can be provided before you sign up.